Buy a policy only from an insurance company that is financially sound 一定要从财务状况良好的保险公司购买保险。
However, that may not prove to be a successful life, a secure life, a financially sound life. 但是,这并不能保证你就能过上成功、稳定并且金钱宽裕的生活。
The New York Fed must set a higher approval bar and then apply rigorous monitoring to ensure its chosen firms remain financially and operationally sound. 纽约联储必须抬高审批门槛,然后实施严格的监管,确保被选中的机构在财务和运营上保持稳健。
But regulators should look at overall compensation as part of their responsibility to make sure an institution is financially sound. 但监管机构应审查整体的薪酬水平,这是它们确保机构财务状况良好职责的一部分。
Despite constant assurances from Macquarie that it is financially sound, the bank has been beset by negative market rumours over the past ten trading days. 尽管麦格理一再保证自身财务状况良好,但该行在过去10个交易日内一直受到负面市场传闻的困扰。
They are financially sound, and have a very good reputation here. 他们的财务健全,声誉也不错。
The Reserve Bank of India stepped in to reassure depositors that ICICI was financially sound amid reports of a wave of cash withdrawals from the bank. 在有关储户从印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICI)掀起提款浪潮的报道中,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)开始介入此事并向储户保证,印度工业信贷投资银行财务状况良好。
Mark Renton, head of investment banking in Asia for Citigroup, says that some Chinese companies remain financially sound and would be able to refinance loans. 花旗集团(citigroup)亚洲投资银行部门主管马睿明(markrenton)表示,一些中国企业的财务状况依然良好,它们将能够进行贷款再融资。
Select a financially sound insurer with low comparative costs. 选择有较低比较成本的金融保险公司。
A term used to describe high-quality stocks of financially sound corporations. 指财务上可靠的公司发行的高质量股票。